

Make sure that Python 3.5 or higher is installed. A convenient way to install Python and many useful packages for scientific computing is to use the Anaconda distribution.

Required Python packages

  • numpy
  • hoggorm >= 0.11.0
  • matplotlib >= 2.1.1

Installation and updates


Install hoggormplot easily from the command line from the PyPI - the Python Packaging Index.

pip install hoggormplot


To upgrade hoggormplot from a previously installed older version execute the following from the command line:

pip install --upgrade hoggormplot

If you need more information on how to install Python packages using pip, please see the pip documentation.


  • Documentation at Read the Docs
  • Jupyter notebooks with examples of how to use hoggormplot


import hoggormplot as hopl

# Compute PCA model with
# - 5 components
# - standardised/scaled variables
# - KFold cross validation with 4 folds
>>> model = ho.nipalsPCA(arrX=myData, numComp=5, Xstand=True, cvType=["Kfold", 4])

# Extract results from PCA model
>>> scores = model.X_scores()
>>> loadings = model.X_loadings()
>>> cumulativeCalibratedExplainedVariance_allVariables = model.X_cumCalExplVar_indVar()
>>> cumulativeValidatedExplainedVariance_total = model.X_cumValExplVar()

# Plot results with HoggormPlot
# Get multiple plots with the main hoggormplot function
>>> hopl.plot(model, plots=[1, 2, 3, 6], cumulative=True, line=True)
>>> hopl.plot(model)
>>> hopl.plot(model, plots=['scores', 'loadings', 'explainedVariance'], cumulative=True)